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BOSS Girl Entrepreneurs

Stay tuned to find out more about the Founder/CEO of She's Worthy as she talks about the multiple businesses she runs!​

July BOSS Girl Entrepreneur:
Rena Weme
Business Owner
Mindset and Success Coach​
  1. Tell us about your entrepreneur endeavors.


Besides running a successful hair boutique in downtown Qualiwood (the California or Canada!), it became apparent that the women sitting in my chair sparked the desire within me to move into something more. I wasn’t just doing hair. I had been investing in women’s lives for years. Sitting in my chair, they would confide in me their deepest fears, their deepest desires and it was then when I realized that I could offer these women so much more. And thus, Dare To Love was born!


2. What made you want to do this? Who is your target audience?


My strong desire to encourage women toward knowing their true value and understanding their worth on more than just a superficial level, was what inspired my thirst toward women’s empowerment on a global basis.

Women that are hungry and yearning to awaken their fullest potential, step into their true purpose while creating financial freedom and overall abundance in all aspects of their life, is who we, the DTL Team, are here to serve.


3. What was one of your most challenging times in pursuing this endeavor?


What I have found along this journey is that it is not always those closest to you who believe and support your vision. Newfound success and jumping out of your comfort zone often comes at the cost of leaving the opinions, judgments and negativity of others behind you, therefore rising to your own brilliance.


4. What is some advice you would give to women who want to launch a business?


JUST JUMP IN! And then learn how to swim! Don’t think about it too long or you won’t do it. Don’t do it alone, invest in a Coach. Make sure you find your tribe, surround yourself with like-minded women, even women who are bounds ahead of you – reach to their level!


5. What do you currently have going on now in your business? How can our members support this?


In addition to hosting Dare To Love’s international events, (which spotlight keynote speakers, igniting and inspiring positive change),

I coach women privately on a global scale. In doing so, I focus on wealth consciousness, personal development and self-love. I am here to help you create the change that you need in your world!



Become a DTL Devotee and DARE TO LOVE your way to success!


Follow Dare To Love:

Instagram: @rena_weme

Twitter: @rena_weme

Facebook: Dare To Love

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