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Self-Worth is VITAL

What is self-worth? It is simply defining yourself as to what you can have, achieve, and even believe. Many consider self-worth to only be linked to your confidence. I could be the most confident person in the world, but that doesn't mean I believe that I deserve everything I desire. Wow... There's a distinct difference in knowing what you want versus believing what you deserve.

A person who only wants something will be ok with getting the discounted item, also known as settling. It'll be easy for them to just take what's handed to them because they just want something. People who believe they deserve what they desire posture themselves to have a greater sense of self-worth. How? It's because they aren't willing to compromise or put themselves on the "for sale" rack. They're belief system is so compelling that they have crazy ideas like "I will become a billionaire. I will have the spouse of my dreams. I will own a successful business that doesn't need me to thrive."

Do you know how insane these words sound, especially to people who just "want" something? People who have self-worth will do anything to get their desires in that they know it will come to pass. Even if it doesn't seem like the desire or promise is near, they won't just take the first thing smoking. They know who they are in Christ. Their foundation is built on solid rock...

Your self-worth is built on what you are truly made of in your set of beliefs. When times get shaky, who do you show up as? Building your self-worth is a life long commitment to lay hold to every promise God has given you. Here are three ways you can boost your self-worth for the vitality of your success:

1. Declarations

Speak positive declarations over your entire life. I mean get down to the deepest desire in your soul. I even have declarations for my husband and children. It would be too late to start speaking about them when I get them! Start right now. Speak life about the business you want to start or the career you want to embark on. Say that you are the most wealthy and powerful person in the world. Death and life are in the power of your tongue.

2. Beliefs

Unlock your limiting beliefs. Stop allowing yourself to say what you cannot have. You can have everything you desire with your whole being. Be ok with being that person who believes the impossible will happen. You're the one God will highlight to show His glory on the earth.

3. Standards

Set the right boundaries in place to get what you need for you to thrive. If that means you have to cut people off, do it. If you have to stop going out for a while to save the money for what you wish to have, go for it. Do whatever it takes to protect your God-given dream.

Once you make these changes, I promise you will elevate higher than you ever have. It's all about positioning yourself to be the person who is already higher. The world is about to chase you down for what you have to offer.

If you haven't done so already, be sure to subscribe to our website to pick up our FREE Self-Worth Workbook that is changing the life of women world wide!

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