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Building Strong Relationships with Others

Building solid relationships takes time and effort. There are many skills that you must learn and master to improve your relationships with others. We can all build better relationships if we practice these key steps below:

  1. Listen- It is very important that we listen to people when they talk to us. The worse thing you can do as a friend, spouse, co-worker, teacher, etc is to not pay attention when someone is talking to you. Listen and fully understand what the person is saying. Make sure to ask questions, offer advice (as needed) and simply be a genuine friend.

  2. Persistency- Be there for people you are trying to build relationships with. Be sure to keep up with your friends to show that you care about them. This shows your openness and honesty to maintaining good relationships. A person will always appreciate someone that is consistently there for them.

  3. Give- Be a giver, don't always look to receive something in return of your giving. Give from your heart whether it be your time, money, or simply attention. Giving is a valuable way to show that you care.

  4. Time- Take some time out of your day to work on your relationships. Give your friend a call, take your spouse on a date, or chat with your co-worker about their day. Time and effort can help build solid relationships that will never end.

  5. Show your appreciation- Whenever you do something for someone doesn't it make you feel appreciated when they compliment you or simply thank you for your kindness? Others want that same love in return. Show your appreciation when someone does something nice for you. Compliments,thank you cards, and lunch dates are only a few examples of the many ways to show your appreciation.

Building strong relationships take work. You have to consistently dedicate time and effort to build trust and maintain working relationships. Follow these tips and add to them to improve your skills in being a better friend.

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